特集 2015年10月16日

Here comes a celeb!

I often find snap photos of celebs in street clothes in women's fashion magazines and fashion goods online catalogs - private shots of Hollywood celebs in the streets.

Just as you imagine, every one of them wears dark glasses. Of course, if they are found on a street, it will cause chaos. Also, many of them hold a coffee cup in their hand. Furthermore, they wear a large stole, holding their iPhone...

Maybe anyone can have their celeb-style photo taken under these conditions.
Born in Tokyo in 1979.I used to produce websites and sold mainly beer in a small bar, and happened to enter NIFTY Corporation.

前の記事:Hey! Let's decide the best programming language with a tug of war

A celeb snap shall be like this

Hollywood celebs basically show up in public in order to promote their latest flicks or flock to award ceremonies.

Most appear dressed up, looking rather sharp. You can find so many snapshots like that, but I would like to talk about snapshots in town this time.
This is how it looks like!
This is how it looks like!
They are often featured as fashion ideals
They are often featured as fashion ideals
This time I looked at magazines and online stores (like this) and found many actresses and models photographed on the streets.

I don't know if these photos are taken by paparazzi under what circumstances, but they tend to capture private moments.

Although I'm no expert on Hollywood celebs, some are familiar while others are not.

I wonder if I could be a celeb myself

I want to copy those photos today. They have certain characteristics, so I feel that it's easy to become a celeb if I capture them.
Before. This is Koga, writer of this article
Before. This is Koga, writer of this article
Judging from the horrible lunch box I ate just before the shooting session, I'm far from being a celeb.
Judging from the horrible lunch box I ate just before the shooting session, I'm far from being a celeb.

Wearing celeb goods

My throat made a gobbling noise because of the status of the lunch. Even this wouldn't stop me from wanting to be a celeb today. Please applaud for me if I ever achieve this lofty goal.

I have gathered the following 4 items in order to turn myself into a celeb.

・Starbucks cup
・Huge sunglasses

Celebs who are equipped with those four items stand out. Maybe that's enough to make anyone a celeb.

Let's put them on one by one.
A stole. I still look like any ordinary person.
A stole. I still look like any ordinary person.
iPhone. Still looking normal.
iPhone. Still looking normal.
A Starbucks cup. Maybe I look like a somebody, but I have a long way to go.
A Starbucks cup. Maybe I look like a somebody, but I have a long way to go.
Only one item doesn't turn you into a celeb, after all.

Next, large pairs of sunglasses. Actually I have 3 pairs.
Which one is a celeb?
Which one is a celeb?

Granny's Keepsake

These two brand items in the photo above belonged to my grandmother.

I have brought them here as brands are closely associated with celebs. They look like something celebs would have, don't they?
No, that's not it. This is my granny.
No, that's not it. This is my granny.
The image of my grandmother, who passed away 15 years ago, appeared.

I remember she loved shopping and frequented department stores to buy in bulk. Granny...!

I had never imagined my granny in Heaven showed up to summon celebs. I'll put on these glasses when I feel like remembering my grandmother again.
For today I'll use the one I paid for 300 yen as a backup.
For today I'll use the one I paid for 300 yen as a backup.

Come out, celeb

The sunglasses make a great impact (I'm no longer my usual self) but only this item alone doesn't make me a celeb.

After all, one has to be fully dressed. How about this?
What? Oh no...
What? Oh no...

Such a subtle finish

A celeb, yes, I'm a celeb. I can't contain this emotion bubling up inside me.

Even so, I can't help feeling this is not what it's supposed to be. What is this feeling of disappointment?
Am I a copycat?
Am I a copycat?
Yes, that's right. This is copying, isn't it?

You can tell I'm trying to strike a pose like a celeb, but it's not enough yet.

Actually I thought it would be like this from the start, to a certain degree.

It's not enough to dress like a celeb. Maybe photography matters, too.
Here comes photographer Masanori Ando! A hunchback!
Here comes photographer Masanori Ando! A hunchback!

What matters is photography, after all.

What I aim to do this time is not to be a celeb, but take a photo of myself as a celeb.

Come to think of it, photo texture is as important as elements such as sunglasses and a Starbacks cup. Most celebs appears with a hazy background in their photo.

I threw a question to my colleague Ando, a resident photography expert at our site: "Can we go for images like these?"

These are images from the session with Ando (who actually did all the photo work).
Here comes a celeb!
Here comes a celeb!

What! All of a sudden it's a celeb!

Photos tell stories. A still picture captures a certain emotion with great care, pulling people's heartstrings...

That's what they say about photography, but I didn't realize how true it is.

Let's compare them to the first ones taken by the ordinary digital camera.
A celeb?
A celeb?
Yes, a celeb!
Yes, a celeb!
Somehow we have achieved the level that move people to tears. A wonderful world of photography!

There is a knack to be a celeb

As we proceeded with shooting, I started understanding how to be a celeb.

Tip 1: Be prepared with a Starbucks cup

The Starbucks cup seems to be very essential as a celeb element. Even though it's a feeling, whether or not you have this item determines your celeb status.
If your hand holding the cup has no strength, you lose your celeb air.
If your hand holding the cup has no strength, you lose your celeb air.
Holding a cup with your arm bent, you're a celeb!
Holding a cup with your arm bent, you're a celeb!
Incidentally, for this shooting, I ordered a grande cup (a large cup), thinking that rich celebs in Hollywood prefer big ones.

The Starbucks staffer asked me right away: "Do you want to take it like this? Or do you need a paper bag?" "A paper bag, please," I answered, as I didn't feel like walking with the cup, as if I were a celeb.
I asked for a sleeve because I thought it would add a celeb air if I had one.
I asked for a sleeve because I thought it would add a celeb air if I had one.
Tip 2: How to walk

Many celebs walk around in their snapshots.

Maybe they tend to be most vulnerable to the paparazzi while they are out in town, but they look like more of a celeb if they are caught in middle of an action such as walking.
Even those who look rather ordinary while motionless will look like celebs
Even those who look rather ordinary while motionless will look like celebs
once they start walking
once they start walking
Tip 3: Don't smile

As we used a telescope lens, the photographer shot from a distance. Even if I strike a pose as a celeb, basically, I'm the only one who is there.

I can't help but smile out of nervousness, but that would ruin the photo.
Tip 4: Keep your disguise on no matter what happens

I learned that equipment, especially dark glasses are required.

Once taken off, you will become an everyday person in a flash.
As if magic were broken...
As if magic were broken...
Tip 5: Don't look back into the camera

As you can see in the photo above, you can't look back in the direction of the camera. Celebs have their photos taken without their noticing it. You have to be unaware of the camera.

(Some celebs take note of the paparazzi and wave at them, but they must be advanced celebs)
In addition, you can't be a celeb if you're bowlegged. There is something wrong with the way I walk. Even if you're not a celeb, you cannot be bowlegged.
In addition, you can't be a celeb if you're bowlegged. There is something wrong with the way I walk. Even if you're not a celeb, you cannot be bowlegged.

Celeb VS eating ice cream while walking

Now I'll copy what celebs do in their snapshots.

What? If I copy what they do, maybe I'm just strengthening the celeb power. You may think that.

But what if that's eating ice cream while walking?
Celebs eat ice cream on the street. As you can see, this is not the only one who does this.
Celebs eat ice cream on the street. As you can see, this is not the only one who does this.
If I did this, I may turn into a kid instead of a celeb.

A true celeb can eat ice cream on the street and nothing happens. This will test your celeb power.

Let's see who wins.
Surprisingly a celeb!
Surprisingly a celeb!
I have to let go of the Starbucks cup in order to hold the ice cream cup and a spoon. Even so, I still look like a celeb, don't I? To my surprise, I remain as a celeb, despite having gobbled up the ice cream.

How far can you go as a celeb

See the photos yourself and be the judge. I think I'm a celeb in all of them. What do you think?

Let's reset your eyes once.

After a while anyone started looking like a celeb. Trapped in a trick art, I seem to have lost my grip on reality.

Now I don't know what a celeb is, to begin with.

After reading from the beginning again, I began to think that my granny who frequent department stores and buys left and right may be the most celebrated celeb in this article, after all. My granny is a celeb? I don't know what to think. I think I may need to rest my eyes for a while.
This alone will make you look like a celeb
This alone will make you look like a celeb


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