特集 2015年2月5日

Hey! Let's decide the best programming language with a tug of war

'It will be the end of an era when PHP is dissed! Let's do it!' ’PHP!' 'PHP!' PHP lost their game in the 1st round after this.
'It will be the end of an era when PHP is dissed! Let's do it!' ’PHP!' 'PHP!' PHP lost their game in the 1st round after this.
On January 29th, 2015, an event 'CROSS 2015' was held as study meetings for engineers at Yokohama Osanbashi Hall, and a '1st tug of war by programming languages' was held at the event.

Programming languages that change the world of computers fight each other with their high supreme muscular strength. It was the tournament to decide a winner in the language war.

40 brave men (programmers) engaged in mortal combat as C, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Go, and Java.

As a result, Go won with a crushing victory and finally closed the curtain. Again, I would like to write a full report on the event.

Did you know that when people shout 'Oh Yes' in a tug of war, it actually means 'OS as operation system'?

This article is a translation of the Japanese article .
Born in Tokyo in 1979.I used to produce websites and sold mainly beer in a small bar, and happened to enter NIFTY Corporation.

It was an event like 'You are the best!'.

I started with great sentences, but an event like a joke really happened.

All of 8 languages of C , Perl, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Go, and Java each tried to collect 5 programmers at CROSS 2015 to form a team.

With own love to the language in their arms, 40 programmers who entered the team pulled a rope with a serious mind.

Many people unexpectedly wanted to join the teams and some of them could not, and those who could not join surrounded the rope and cheered the games.
Accepting entries by giving out uniform. Long before 17:30 when the games started, the entries reached the fixed number before 13:00, and it received such greate attentions.
Accepted entries were given uniforms. Long before 17:30 when the games started, the entries reached the fixed number before 13:00, and it received such great attentions.
At a reception, someone asked 'why is there no Shell?' and another one wanted to have a team COBOL, and those programmers regretted languages that were not chosen for the event.

'I wanted to enter as C#.'
'If you are C#, please enter as C.'
'No way!'
'I thought so too.'
A commentator and a technical adviser of this event, Mr. Hiroyuki Hourin (Steering committee of Japan UNIX Society) enjoyed this kind of conversation with everybody who were laughing with each other.

So this event could only happen with the help of engineers who understand these kinds of jokes mostly in the world.

(By the way, many thought a tug of war is a kind of metaphorical expression and they thought it would be a talk session between the teams. Those people were surprised that it was actually a tug of war. I thought I've got it!)
Me(left) and Mr. Hiroyuki Hourin (right)
Me (left) and Mr. Hiroyuki Hourin (right)

A professional technical adviser is actually giving ideas.

It was almost like a joke, but we actually did what we should do.

The 8 participating languages are seriously chosen based on the fact that 'CROSS 2015' is the event where engineers of WEB were gathering.

We decided the list of matches by focusing on the relation of languages themselves.

This was all planned by Mr. Hourin with his great effort, so what I say 'we did what we should do' is all because of him, but at least I can be proud.
Mr. Hourin as an engineer wrote a tournament chart by editor.
Mr. Hourin as an engineer wrote a tournament chart by editor.

Professional came before the tug of war proceeded.

Moreover, we adopted the safest measures to support programmers who normally do not exercise not to get hurt.

We invited the professionals prior to the tug of war by asking 'Undoukaiya' who organized sports meetings of companies day by day. The president of Undoukaiya, Mr. Yoneji and his colleague Mr. Nakajima, who not only did the chief judge and the sub-referee but also brought a rope with exact length for 5 on 5 games.
Don't touch the rope before a sign. One game for 20 seconds!. The judged strictly. (left-right: Mr. Nakajima, sub-referee & Mr. Yoneji, main-referee)
Don't touch the rope before a sign. One game for 20 seconds! They judged strictly. (left-right: Mr. Nakajima, sub-referee & Mr. Yoneji, main-referee)
In addition to the well-prepared system, as many participants walked around the hall by wearing costumes with their language name on, the atmosphere in the hall became exciting gradually before the games started.
And finally after 17:00, it really happened! The rope was placed and the entire hall heated up!
And finally after 17:00, it really happened! The rope was placed and the entire hall heated up!
'Groan Turing-complete! The 1st tug of war between programming languages begins!!' 'YEAH!!' 'Let's do it!!'
'Groan Turing-complete! The 1st tug of war between programming languages begins!!' 'YEAH!!' 'Let's do it!!'
From now on, I would like to look back at the matches.

I will call each language in in a cool way, so please give a cheer in front of your monitor.

1st Round, 1st Match

Specialized in WEB. easily possible to access cookie and databases, the new era will begin with the coming of HHVM and the era to be dissed is over! Hypertext, pre-processor.

Implementing you API?
Implementing your API?
The opponent is

Solid demands and strong execution environment. Challenging to win by escaping multiple repeats. The Emperor...

You want to be encapsulation?
You want to be encapsulated?
Both PHP and Java teams were comprised of 4 men and 1 woman programmers unexpectedly. We expected a balanced match.

Both languages are like languages for work and many do not like them but write in those languages. This was the match between such languages.

They can also be said that those users are in the similar age as the players, so the love to both languages are weak and those who can stimulate the intention can win. (Green character comments by Mr. Hourin.)
Let's fight!
Let's fight!
Java! Java!
Java! Java!
Java wins!

The captain of PHP, Mr. Mitsuchi (also a writer of our website) who lost the match said, 'we lost because we shouted PHP!, and we could have won if we had shouted CGI!'.

On the other hand, the captain Tamaru of Java said ' we could never lose against PHP. I am glad we won'.

We could see the strong responsibilities of programmers who could have not faced the fellows who were writing codes somewhere today without winning in the match.

1st Round, 2nd Match

With the longest history in 8 languages, seeking high degree of freedom and execution speed, supporting OS. Vast numbers of programmers are supporting the God Father...

Your language is packaged in CPU, right?
Your language is packaged in CPU, right?
The opponent is...

Powerful string processing, supporting associative array, and multidimensional data can be used. There's More Than One Way To Do It.It is not one way and we do our own way!...

You want your modules to be extended?
You want your modules to be extended?
'Both languages have the longest history out of 8. In other words, a match by veterans. Both have users of older generations. Do they have enough stamina?'

Veterans with careers over 10 years as a programmer entered the two teams. How it will end up?
'It is difficult to pull the rope by shouting
'It is difficult to pull the rope by shouting "Perl", so let's go with "Perler"!'
'...we never do any cheap tricks!'
'...we never do any cheap tricks!'
Start! 'Perler!' 'Perler! oh.. no!!'
Start! 'Perler!' 'Perler! oh.. no!!'
The winner is C!

They saw the shout of PHP in three measures (PHP! PHP!),and that did not go well, so they decided to call 'Pierre' in two measures, but a complete defeat by C attacking without saying anything !

The moment when a static language defeated a dynamic language.

1st Round, 3rd Match

A new language developed by Google and appeared in 2009. A function of communication between threads by channel and a new generation language with parallelism. Art of alter ego...

We beat you with model assertion.
We beat you with model assertion.
The opponent is...

The only God of browsers, a language with batteries attached with enough modules normally. Actually nothing to do with Java. Many sided...

We don't need blisters for loved language.
We don't need blisters for loved language.
'Favorite languages for young programmers. JavaScript has the largest users of Web, and Go is the new comer with increasing numbers of users. How can Go challenge Java Script?'

Like the comments, they were the most two popular languages. (JavaScript reached the fixed number of members in the shortest 40 minutes.)

The popularity reflects the strength of pulling the rope?

'Go Go Go Go Go Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
'Go Go Go Go Go Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
'JS! JS!'
'JS! JS!'
The winner is Go! It was an overwhelming strength.

JavaScript was thought that it was the easiest name to shout as 'JS' which was similar to OS (not an operation system, but a shout that is used in a tug of war), and therefore it was thought that it is the easiest to pull the rope, but it was unexpectedly instantly killed.
'OK! The first win!' The hall was full of chatter after the overwhelming victory.
'OK! The first win!' The hall was full of chattered about after the overwhelming victory.
'It was just in a second and I can only laugh.'
'It was just in a second and I can only laugh.'
So far, I mentioned 'Compile types are strong!', or 'a match between a static language and a dynamic language!', and agitated, but the strength of Go made us realized that the tug of war depends on the physical power.

It is matched between programming language, but it is basically a tug of war that we are doing...

Oh No, No. I close my waken eyes and talk about the final match of 1st round.

1st Round, 4th Match

Visualization on data input and output of statistical analysis, 'Python' of Monty Python. It is called a secretary of language committee, but is it true that hackers' favorite? Ill weeds grow apace.

Don't talk too much, otherwise we will reduce the numbers of code lines.
Don't talk too much, otherwise we will reduce the numbers of code lines.
The opponent is...

From Japan, specification development to enjoy stress-free programming, accepted changes. Strong regular expression procedure, multi-thread, exceptional procedure on class definition, cool Japan .

Enjoy programming yeah!!
Enjoy programming yeah!!
'The language as an object oriented script was created abroad and came in to Japan as Python, and Ruby was created in Japan and went to the world. It is the match of rivals in similar positions.'

The match of rivals in the 1st round. They have many common points, and the captains of the 2 teams were also calm. The winner is...
Python! Python!
Python! Python!
Enjoy! Ruby!
Enjoy! Ruby!
Monty Python, Monty Python!
Monty Python, Monty Python!
The last match of 1st round sees Python as a winner!

This match seemed to be the most excited one as it was with lots of heated audiences in the hall.

'Ruby! Let's win! 'Go Python!' The hall was divided in two, Ruby or Python, and cheering of both teams came naturally and this made the hall as a whole.
Python! You did it!
Python! You did it!
Ruby! That was close! But you did it well!
Ruby! That was close! But you did it well!

Compile systems are strong! From the 2nd round to the final match.

As results of 1st round, Java, C, Go, and Python went to the semi-finals.

I will write about 2nd round and after more briefly like a sport magazine.
1st semi-final match, they are rivals. C against Java! Both team pulled the rope without shouting with the same feelings.
1st semi-final match, they are rivals. C against Java! Both team pulled the rope without shouting with the same feelings.
The lost teams in the 1st round also shouted cheers to the remaining language teams. 'Java! Don't lose!' 'C! Let's do it!'
The lost teams in the 1st round also shouted cheers to the remaining language teams. 'Java! Don't lose!' 'C! Let's do it!'

Compile systems are strong! From the 2nd round to the final match.

C went to the final round.

But Java captain said strongly 'we lost in the match but Java as a language never lose against C!'
'Here is the commentators' desk. C won the game but apparently got tired. C is the language born in 1972 and 43 years old today. He is old enough.'
'Here is the commentators' desk. C won the game but apparently got tired. C is the language born in 1972 and 43 years old today. He is old enough.'
The only women participant who fought 2 matches, Zon of Java said, 'Java is the best language!' She lost the match but was still strong.

The tug of war is nothing to do with the superiority or inferiority of the tug of war! The hall was covered with the atmosphere that could strike at the original plan. Java was thought to talk about love in this event.
The 2nd match of semi-finals! Go's gravity is low and the arm of the captain is big!
The 2nd match of semi-finals! Go's gravity is low and the arm of the captain is big!
Python could not make the most of what they had.
Python could not make the most of what they had.
Go went to the final round.

As soon as Python lost the match, some shouted like 'Python, you did it! Good language!'

Go won here, but compared with C who won the 1st match of semi-finals and went into the final round seemed not to be tired apparently. I hope C will be OK. The excitements of the hall was at the peak.
I wonder f the C team was formed only today for the first time? The steady Go.
I wonder f the C team was formed only today for the first time? The steady Go.
C changed their strategies in each matches.
C changed their strategies in each matches.
The Final. Fight!
Assembler! Compiler!
Assembler! Compiler!
Polymorphism! Communication between threads!
Polymorphism! Communication between threads!
As I mentioned above, the winner was Go.
Anyway, I assume I was not the only one how C did their best and was moved by that. Thank you for your hard work!
Anyway, I assume I was not the only one how C did their best and was moved by that. Thank you for your hard work!
And the winner! So cool!
And the winner! So cool!
After presenting medals. Go was surrounded by medias. This is how the winner is!
After presenting medals. Go was surrounded by medias. This is how the winner is!
By the way, in a certain media. they reported that all the members in the winning Go team. But one of the members Michael had used the language properly for about 1 year.

It was lots of fun at the event!

Above is the '1st Tug of War between programming language teams' held on January 29th, 2015.

But this is not all. as I was doing a commendatory in the event on the day, but I was so excited and I could not collect enough materials from interviews of captains before and after matches.

We remember you gave hot comments to each other.

Really exciting! Thank you very much! See you next year! (Are we doing?)
Congratulations to Go! It seemed as if it is not cool when it is printed on T-shirt, I am sorry to say! (At the end, Go T-shirt was in a good quality and we never let them go.)
Congratulations to Go! It seemed as if it is not cool when it is printed on T-shirt, I am sorry to say! (At the end, Go T-shirt was in a good quality and we never let them go.)
All the participants

Thank you very much for your struggles in a team that programmers of the first meeting under the name of languages.

A group photo of PHP team with the conspicuously worst looking includes:
Mitsuchdo-san, Kondo-san, Toda-san, Sorakubo-san, and Kashiwazaki-san.

Java team with lots of love to the language: Tamaru-san (captain), Itabashi-san, Ijyu-san, Zwon-san, and Osawa-san.

C team, who said it was physically difficult but they actually went to the final:
Ogawa-san (Captain), Ichikado-san, Takano-san, Fukumoto-san, Tsu bo-san

Important person came to cheer the Perl team:
Kijima-san (captain), Kurihara-san (sub-captain), Mori-san. Sasakli-san Fujiwara-san

JavaScript team was unusually fast to collect players: Mikawa-san (captain), Kawamoto-san Takeda-san. Toyoda-san, and Tanabe-san.

Undisputed winner, Go team: Kobayashi-san (captain), Tajima-san, Oton-san, Michael-san, Ohnuma-san.

Although they knew that it began at 17:30, everyone in the Python team started to gather restlessly at around 17:00:Takahashi-san (captain), Tsuchiya-san, Nishizawa-san, Baba-san, Egusa-san.

Ruby team that expressed the enjoy programming mentally: mz-ken san, Minami-san, Fujisaki-san, Matsui-san, yo-san.

The longing for engineers exploded as a form of the tug of war

When I suddenly mentioned the idea while working as planning and production, the person who agreed my idea for the first time was our designer.

And a sales job person raised her hands to help me. The only engineer in the staffs is Mr. Hourin.

Everyone longs for engineers in their mind, and I was sure that they will laugh at it and enjoy with it.

So we did it and it was so exciting to everyone. It was the best. I will have to write codes from tomorrow. (I can write Flash4 and my proud faction is tellTarget.)
STAFF:Tomotaka Tabata,Shizuka Hashimoto,Daiju Ishikawa,Cho Taisheng
Spaecial Thanks:Kevin Krejci,AZ Kawahara


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