特集 2017年4月28日

Hebocon and Bigfacebox are coming to America for Maker Faire Bay Area!!

Hebocon (for the first time this year) & Bigfacebox (for the first time in 3 months) are heading to America again!

Maker Faire Bay Area, a "someone is showing off something they made event" that will be held in San Mateo, California, from 19 to 21 May. Maker Faire Tokyo organizers will also be making an appearance as part of a collaborative exhibition.

Hebocon Website / Facebook Page

Bigfacebox Project Website

*We are recruiting volunteer staff to help out at the event. More details here!
1980 Born in Gifu. Making tricky and original devices of electric work, and collect music of frontier countries. Founder of Hebocon, a robot competition for those who don't have the technical skills to actually make robots.

前の記事:Crappy robots came by plane!! Hebocon World Championship 2016 Report

American Maker Faire was huge

Maker Faire is a DIY event that is held worldwide. Although everyone comes with their own works to the event, it is different from an exhibition or an event where products are displayed and sold. The description at the beginning as a "someone is showing off something they made event", perhaps explains this event the most perfectly.

And, the hugest Maker Faire is Maker Faire Bay Area. When we participated last year, the scale of Maker Faire was huge, and so were the creations there.
Some spinning object (rideable)
Some spinning object (rideable)
Jump and high five
Jump and high five
Some flashy air cannon
Some flashy air cannon
A helmet that lights up from the inside
A helmet that lights up from the inside
We participate in Japan's Maker Faire Tokyo every year and there are usually electronic works and handicrafts, and many creations that are small enough to line several of them up on a table. In contrast, America's are huge. So huge that even if you make them they would not be able to be stored in Japanese houses. You would have to break down your house and live in the creation.

Daily Portal Z representative of the Huge Division, Bigfacebox

This is what we have come up with as a form of opposition to the hugeness of American size.
We call this as DEKAGAO in Japanese, and Bigfacebox in English.
We call this as DEKAGAO in Japanese, and Bigfacebox in English.
This is a box which by placing it over one's head would cause it to seem bigger due to the lens. Although the creation itself cannot compare to those of America's size wise, with "I will become bigger" as the witty underlying idea, the size of its impact is Grand Canyon level.

Incidentally, cardboard for Bigfacebox is procured locally. Yuji, who showcased Bigfacebox in Texas a while back, was also happy that "there are so many varieties of cardboard in America that are also cheap".
The situation in Texas
When asking Yuji of the Bigfacebox project about this time's prospects, he replied, "First disembarkation at the West Coast. There are also plans to add a dimmer function." Apparently the lights in the box were too bright but the problem will soon be resolved. (The concept of "magnifying one's face" is so simple that only that much of an improvement can be made.)

Hebocon Bay Area will be held too!

Now there is one more program, and that is the "Robot sumo competition for the technically ungifted" a.k.a Hebocon that I am organizing. This event is one that pits ambiguously operational robots against one another in battles, which are just casually made "self-proclaimed robots" by people who have no technical skills in building them.
Summary of last year's world tournament
Even though this event started 3 years ago, it instantly spread across the world and has held over 130 tournaments in more than 25 countries. (The number of tournaments was publicly announced as 60 until last week, but after counting carefully again it was actually 130. More than double the original!)

The event will be held at Maker Faire Bay Area for the second year in a row.
Last year's situation. The sheer amount of people who came to look at pieces of junk of which not a single one can operate has left me overwhelmed with emotion.
Last year's situation. The sheer amount of people who came to look at pieces of junk of which not a single one can operate has left me overwhelmed with emotion.
Robots being built on site for battle.
Robots being built on site for battle.
Self-proclaimed robots built by American kids. The spider is holding a sword!
Self-proclaimed robots built by American kids. The spider is holding a sword!
During the session of 19 to 21 May, a total of 6 mini tournaments will be held. Furthermore, there is a special guest this time. Adrian, the organiser of an event inspired by Hebocon, "Robot Riot", that is held in Chicago, Denver, etc., is expected to host the tournaments.
We would like to point out the excellence of this Robot Riot flyer
We would like to point out the excellence of this Robot Riot flyer
The booth in the venue is the same as Bigfacebox's.

Hebocon Bay Area Overview

Maker Faire Tokyo & Daily Portal Z presents
Hebocon : The Crappy Robot Competition Bay Area Special Edition 2017

Exhibition dates: 19 - 21/5/2017 (exhibition only on 19/5, no matches)
Time: 3 exhibition timings of 13:00, 15:00 and 17:00 on each day of 20 and 21/5 (expected schedule)
Venue: Inside Maker Faire Bay Area
Number of teams: 8 teams per round
Competition rules: Please refer here→ Hebocon Rules

Updates here → Event page (Facebook)
Registration for participation here! → Event page (Facebook)
*In order to participate, the activity wrist band (distributed on the day itself at the venue) is needed.
*The event this time is a Build & Fight Style event where robots will be built on site. You will not be able to construct your robot if you arrive just in time for the match so please make your way to the event with plenty of time to spare.

You are welcomed to bring or donate your own parts!

Bringing of materials is extremely welcomed.
・Moving toys
・Electronic junk
・Handicraft materials etc. that can be used for decoration
To those who are participating in the tournament as well as those who are not, if you have any materials to contribute please bring them.
(Maximum size of robot is set at 50cm*50cm. We ask that you kindly refrain from bringing anything significantly bigger than that.)

Volunteer staff recruitment

We are recruiting volunteer staff to help out at the event (mainly at Hebocon).

Responsibility includes explanation of project to visitors, acting as craft advisors, helping to set up the venue and clean up afterwards etc. We’ll hold a celebratory party on the last day together with members of Bigfacebox!

- Those who can attend for longer than half a day on at least one of the event days (19-21/5)
- Japanese speakers

For those who are available to help out, please contact [email protected] We sincerely hope to hear from you!!

Latest updates on Hebocon will always be available here!
Facebook→ Hebocon Facebook Page
Hebocon website→ HEBOCON

Also, this event is jointly sponsored with (in fact almost fully sponsored by) Maker Faire Tokyo organizers. Maker Faire Tokyo is also in the midst of recruiting exhibitors until 2 May. We are also going to join in the exhibition! This year it will be during 5 to 6 August.


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