特集 2016年3月25日

Clams are so cuuuute like cats

You gradually become convinced that these clams are cats gathering together.
You gradually become convinced that these clams are cats gathering together.
When I say to someone "Don't you think clams look like cats? Look at their appearances and patterns, they are exactly like cats'", he/she gives me a gentle stare by feeling sorry for me.

I don't get the reason of their reaction. They really look like cats. But I was not able to convince them since I'm a poor talker.

Therefore I'm writing this article.
farewell tears and welcome courage. Hello, I am Matsumoto. Born in Kamogawa (Uchiura), Chiba prefecture in 1976. Worked as system engineer among others, but self-employed from 2010 as illustrator cum app developer. Developed iPhone apps such as DIY GPS, Swift Transfer Information, 3D Audio Recorder, Here.info, Rain I Wonder? Literary works are the two books "Chain Store B-class gourmet Earnestly Comparing Dishes from Different Menus" and "Living on McDonald's for 30 Days." Please buy them.

前の記事:New menu: "Hot Open Sandwich" has exceeded the hot sandwich

> 個人サイト keiziweb DIY GPS 速攻乗換案内

Look at their patterns, very similar to ones of cats

I bought a pack of clams. They look nice. I checked several packs and chose the one containing clams with cute patterns.

*Note: Clams are very common food in Japan and we put them in miso soup, cook with pasta or steam them in Japanese sake.
So lovely! They are so cuuuute!
So lovely! They are so cuuuute!
Yes, you may need further explanation why I feel strong affection for clams by just seeing them in a pack. So I will tell you one by one (like a clam mentor?).
Look at this. This is just like a cat.
Look at this. This is just like a cat.

Skip over other explanations

If you think it's so lovely and its pattern looks like the one of cat when you look at the above image, you are right. You are absolutely right. You don't have to read the rest of article and just enjoy photos of my article.

If you don't feel affection for it, it's fine. Perhaps most of people are the same at this stage.
Question: Find a clam whose pattern looks like the one of cat the most. (Answer within 10 minute and give you 10 points)
Question: Find a clam whose pattern looks like the one of cat the most. (Answer within 10 minute and give you 10 points)
The correct answer is this clam.

Don't you think it looks like a cat face?
It's a part of cat face.
It's a part of cat face.
For example, look at the face of this cat.
She is the mother of Natsume-san (my first cat). Natsume-san's black body curls up in her tummy in this photo.
She is the mother of Natsume-san (my first cat). Natsume-san's black body curls up in her tummy in this photo.
Please compare 2 images, clam and cat each other. You may notice that a white part in the center of the cat face is also in the clam. We call this pattern Hachiware since it looks like the kanji character, eight which is called 'hachi' in Japan.

It's cute.

Let's continue to the next.
It is so cute I could eat it up! (Anyway literally I will it later)
It is so cute I could eat it up! (Anyway literally I will it later)
I checked my huge cat photo collection and found a cat with similar pattern.

See, this cat looks like the clam.
The cat almost is identical to the clam.
The cat almost is identical to the clam.

Let's go to the next

A typical method of brainwashing is giving a large amount of information and no time for people to consider. Following this, I will try to convince you of my point even if it is not reasonable.
See, it's so cute.
See, it's so cute.
A cute clam pattern. I discover a similar pattern sweater in my closet.
The sweater with a clam pattern.
The sweater with a clam pattern.
And a cat with a clam pattern.
Again the cat almost is identical to the clam.
Again the cat almost is identical to the clam.
The next one looks lovely, too.
The next one looks lovely, too.
The next one looks lovely, too.
A clam, a cat, a clam and a cat...
A clam is hiding in the bush.
A clam is hiding in the bush.
The boundary between cat and clam is gradually disappearing.
A clam looking like a cat is hiding in the bush.
A clam looking like a cat is hiding in the bush.
There are cats on the earth. Do we need something else?
Its paw is so sweet and my heart melts.
Its paw is so sweet and my heart melts.
Look here, it's a black cat.
It's difficult to shoot nice photos of black cats.
It's difficult to shoot nice photos of black cats.
This is my black cat, Natsume-san.
Don't you think the cat in this photo looks like a clam shape?
Don't you think the cat in this photo looks like a clam shape?
I was worried that you might close the page without moving to the next page and I wrote unnecessary long texts. Now let's move to the next page.
The brainwashing method continues in this page.
A clam.
A clam.
A cat.
A cat.
You may gradually get confused between clams and cats.
This is a cat.
This is a cat.
Your perception is getting unclear.
A clam is lying down.
A clam is lying down.
A cat curls up.
A cat curls up.
A clam is staring at me.
A clam is staring at me.
A cat has a cute pattern.
A cat has a cute pattern.
A sleeping clam on the tree.
A sleeping clam on the tree.
This cat is very sweet, too.
This cat is very sweet, too.
A calico clam.
A calico clam.
The siphons of clam look like cat's legs.
A cat stretching its legs.
A cat stretching its legs.
A clam stretching out its siphons from its shell.
A clam stretching out its siphons from its shell.
The foot of clam looks exactly like a cat tongue.
A cat showing its tongue out.
A cat showing its tongue out.
A clam stretching out its foot.
A clam stretching out its foot.
If you look at the photo in the beginning of article again, you cannot help thinking they are cats.
See, it's a cat.
See, it's a cat.
I will confirm my point in the next page.
An auntie holding a clam.
An auntie holding a clam.
Cats and clams are similar creatures. They have a pattern, DNA and breathe to live. Also many of them are living near the sea.

If I say cat equals to clam, who get troubled? There is nobody.
A cat with a pattern like an ancient cave picture.
A cat with a pattern like an ancient cave picture.
A sleeping clam.
A sleeping clam.
I saw fusion of cat and clam in my confusing perception.
Space-time was shaken.
Space-time was shaken.
And then a clam became a cat.
It's a tiny handy cat. So cute!
It's a tiny handy cat. So cute!
A cat gathering.
They are so cuuuute!
They are so cuuuute!
Everything looks like a cat.
A clam pattern's cat.
A clam pattern's cat.
A pigeon also looks like a cat (am I mad?).
This is a cat.
This is a cat.
I would like to close my discussion (and brainwashing) now.

If I input these texts into AI system which is under development, it may totally get puzzled. I was thinking about it while I was writing this.
I am sorry for that.
I am sorry for that.
Although I get more affectionate to clams while I was writing this article, I have no idea how to keep them as pets. Thus I had to reluctantly cook them to eat.
They were delicious.
They were delicious.
By the way, about "a pattern like an ancient cave picture", let me illustrate it for better understanding as follows:

The right is a person with a bow and an arrow. The middle is a person cheering. And the left is a person just standing.
Decode a mystery of clam's pattern.
Decode a mystery of clam's pattern.
That's all for today. So long.

It is spring.

I can feel that someone gently stares at me by feeling sorry for me.

I completed my income tax report after cold winter and I am ready to enjoy spring without any worry. Spring is nice.

For those who will start new life this spring, you may have both expectation and anxiety. When you feel uneasy or cannot get used to new environment, please remember this article.

"Oh, it's the crazy person who mixed up cats and clams."

Our society is a place where even strange people can survive. You were born in such a gentle society.


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