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The Cracked iPhone Movie Teaser Trailer

We made a movie about people using a cracked screen iPhone, whom we see a lot in the streets.

PooPooTV is a comedy video channel hosted by DailyPortalZ.
Shigeto Ohkita Shigeto Ohkita(大北栄人)
Born in Osaka in 1980, makes a living by writing articles and creates movies on the Internet, has one daughter, also made Hebokon movie.
> Website Twitter(@ohkitashigeto)

Fujiwara : Koichi Fujiwara
Homeless guy : Shogo Koseki
Girlfriend : Wogawa Sasano
Fortune-teller : Asobi Tsuchiya
Karate master : Masato Taniguchi
Guy who thanks an apple : Takashi Iwasawa
Dominatrix : Sae Igami
Boyfriend who smashes the phone on the wall : Keisuke Jinushi
Girlfriend standing by the wall : Chiputaso
Band man who goes back to his hometown : Hiroki Hanaike(Sa-yuu)
Guy who flies a balloon : Syusuke Michio
Senior student shotgunning : BIKKE
His junior student : Masanori Ando(No-peeling ANDO)
Teacher explaining a movable pulley : Chikako Koga
Blond Google interviewer : Masanori Sumi
Google interviewer : Takahiro Hiraiwa
Baseball boy : Taro Nishimura
Person who discovered the neutrino : Masayuki Nishimura
Person who manufactured Roomba : Shinichi Kitamura
High school girls : Yoza Hikaru, Yoza Kotoko
Guy with "iPhone Quick-Draw System" : Shota Mori
Nello, the Dog of Flanders : Reiko Kaya
The father who made a PythagoraSwitch : Ryosuke Otomo

Voice (Homeless scenes) : Takumi Ikeda
All other scenes : Shigeto Okita
Production assistant : Chikako Koga
Narrator : Akira Okada
Title design : Ryosuke Otomo


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